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PowerCADD+SketchUp Synergy

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 3:03 pm
by RTCool
I've relied on PowerCADD for everything 2D for 30 years now. In the '90's, I used UpFront for 3D, and then SketchUp since 2002. SketchUp has taken on more and more importance over time, but I still start and end in PowerCADD. Here's an example sheet of elevations generated from SU and brought into PC for final documentation. In this example, I used a trick to cast 45° shadows on all sides.
A2.1r6 South Elev-Anon Export@1080h@90.jpg
A2.1r6 South Elev-Anon Export@[email protected] (468.99 KiB) Viewed 37060 times
I've just learned I will be a speaker to SketchUp's biannual convention, 3D Basecamp, in September 2020. If other PowerCADD users come, we should have a gathering.