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3D Capabilities

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:09 pm
by JustMeAgain
Has there been any release of PowerCADD 10's planned 3D capabilities.

I'm interested in what architectural features it will support. For example 3D modelling a house and generating plan and sectional views from that. Will it be capable of complex walls with definable materials and textures ?

Or is it only a 2D program at this stage of development ?

Re: 3D Capabilities

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:01 pm
by chip.clark
I don't think there has ever been a promise of 3D capabilities with PC10, beyond some "wishes" for that from some as a feature request.

curious what has been said historically that suggests "planned 3D capabilities" to you?

there has been some speculation about integration with FormZ, since they are a developer partner now, but nothing more than speculation from what I have gleaned in the conversations. historically there has been capacity for import/export formats that could be leveraged into multi-platform workflows that involve 3D modeling. I would expect a minimum level of that moving forward. seems there is always opportunity for 3rd party developers to generate more streamlined processes of integration. hopefully the modernization of PC10's coding will promote that!

PC10 so far appears to stick with its playbook of "only" delivering robust 2D representation of CAD content. that being said, your question of being "capable of complex walls with definable materials and textures" has somewhat always existed... it may not be "in your face" content like the endless and exhausting sequence of menus and check-boxes like most BIM platforms, but it has always had the capacity to hold definable meta-data. Ultimately, the line work and hatches "mean" whatever you declare of it. ultimate control, for better or worse. (queue inspirational dramatic orchestral arrangement..."with great power comes great responsibility")

as usual, it comes down to the end-user for how the tool is leveraged and what its user base requests/demands of it. it does not look like the majority user base wants another spin of Revit/Archicad. they clearly want something else, or they would not be holding on so desperately.

it is often the "territories between" that are opportunities for progress and development. I believe there is a HUGE territory of opportunity between PC9 and contemporary BIM platforms to deliver a new tool to CAD-dependent professions. I don't expect that of PC10, but it possibly could. That is why I continue to keep an eye on this camp.

Re: 3D Capabilities

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:00 pm
by fred johnson
Chip, Very well said.

Re: 3D Capabilities

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:49 pm
by JustMeAgain
I was hoping for a response from Engineered Software.

3D was mentioned early on when Todd announced the partnership with Form-Z. If that's wrong, OK. For me to come back to PowerCADD it will have have the afore mentioned capabilities that I already use in another CAD app.

Thanks for your input but it was way off topic.

Re: 3D Capabilities

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:32 am
by gybognarjr
Does PowerCADD 10 exist? Did anyone get credible and accurate information within the last 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year, 1 month or ever, that PowerCADD update ever be issued for 64bit MacOS?

Re: 3D Capabilities

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:32 am
by gybognarjr
Does PowerCADD 10 exist? Did anyone get credible and accurate information within the last 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year, 1 month or ever, that PowerCADD update ever be issued for 64bit MacOS?