Clarification-the future of PowerCadd

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Re: Clarification-the future of PowerCadd

Post by bellarchitect » Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:32 pm

Hi Jon, I've posted several times suggesting a user buyout or user ownership including similar to what you suggested regarding addition programmers. I've even discussed this with Alfred on the phone many years ago. My concern is - and I've voiced this before (and I've seen others post also) - what happens when Alfred and Todd are no longer with PC? Who keeps this going? I would like to hear from both Todd and Alfred on a succession plan as to how they can produce a legacy of their work. Meaning, who will take the lead in continuing the PC tradition. It's very short sighted not to do this.

I'm not throwing stones, I'm looking at this in a very practical way. It's just good business and it keeps a wonderful product going into the future.

I will continue to be patient and hope Todd and Alfred will consider the future of PowerCADD beyond their time with it.

Regards - Frank

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Alfred Scott
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Re: Clarification-the future of PowerCadd

Post by Alfred Scott » Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:04 pm

Well, I’m only 28, but I can’t help but noticing that my daughters are now older than me. Oldest daughter Sara asked me to do something to insure WildTools will go on. I always do what Sara tells me to...

So I’ve appointed Derek Dubout to take over WildTools if I ‘pass’. I’ve given him all the source code and Xcode projects and also to David Kropp at FormZ.

My mother made it to 104, so I’ve got good genes, and my brain is still working. Yesterday I was working on getting 3D sheet metal threads as béziers instead of polygons.

I am bumping up on a limit of new things to do but Matt Arnold keeps coming up with new things. I understand and believe the principle that if you work in collaboration with others, you never run out of ideas.


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Re: Clarification-the future of PowerCadd

Post by Derek » Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:29 pm


Howard in Durham
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Re: Clarification-the future of PowerCadd

Post by Howard in Durham » Thu Jun 03, 2021 8:35 pm

It is somewhat reassuring that the future of WildTools is being thought about. But currently, WildTools is dependent on PC. Can they be separated in the near future? I too have suggested that the users of PC become the owners of PC- sort of a software cooperative. One big question- how many of us current PC users are there? Enough of us to buy PC, or not? Perhaps Todd Stanley would bequeath the software to us, in exchange for some sort of licensing commission? Without an answer or a suggested direction, I fear the days ahead of PC are severely limited, which is too damn bad!

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Alfred Scott
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Re: Clarification-the future of PowerCadd

Post by Alfred Scott » Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:55 pm

There is a famous book called “The Mythical Man-Month” by Frederick Brooks who led the IBM 360 operating system development team. It was written to explain why software takes so long to develop. In it, he explains “the birthing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned to the task”.

He also says that adding programmers to a project that is late makes it later

This stuff is complicated, and it is hard. I’ve just spent a week trying to draw 3D threads as Béziers and have come up short. This may be the third week I’ve wasted to fight this battle.


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Re: Clarification-the future of PowerCadd

Post by poolvibe » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:43 pm

Nice stuff with WT. Wish I could run it on my computer.

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