PowerCadd 10

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by joseph » Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:23 am

I am almost 10-15% done.

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by HSD » Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:56 pm

The impression I think all had was that PowerCadd 10 was an update to the existing program to make it work on current Mac OS, and that this was progressing along well. This was very attractive as it (hopefully) would enable use of existing drawings-those of us long term users have decades of details that are used constantly in new projects, and would allow us to maintain the high productivity that we are used to. As others have said, I would pay a high price for this-I'd pay for all the updates that used to be yearly in one jump if needed.

Now it appears that this is not so-that PC10 will be a new program, and who knows how far away it is, and without Wildtools will lose usability.

Why not wrap up the update from PC9 to PC10 so that we can be on current Mac OS and include updated Wildtools, and in parallel continue with the next generation-PC11, which we could then morph into in a year or so when it is finished?

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by [email protected] » Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:45 pm

Hello everyone.

I normally stay out of the forum, preferring to keep my head on software design and programming. However, Alfred's post needs an authoritative factual response.

Alfred suggesting that PowerCADD 10 is only 10-15% is not true. He is also not correct about the UI of PowerCADD. PowerCADD 10 is very much like the PowerCADD you are accustomed to. Alfred isn't in a position to even know these things. We estimate that PowerCADD 10 is 80-85% complete and has been in beta testing since February. Alfred has been on the beta since the beginning of beta but has chosen not to begin development on WildTools, despite all the necessary functionality being present to develop externals. Other external writers are progressing just fine and have found PowerCADD 10 externals easier to write.

Yes, the internals of PowerCADD have been modernized. Despite Alfred thinking we could tweak a few things to port PowerCADD to the modern OS, that isn't so. The reality is that WildTools also has some very old code too that is not easily ported to the new OS, and he has grossly underestimated the amount of work needed. Now, the reality is upon him, and the size of the task is now apparent. I don't begrudge Alfred for not wanting to learn the new things necessary to port WildTools, but slashing and burning PowerCADD on the way out is less than I would have expected of him.

Rest assured that PowerCADD 10 is much further along than Alfred has reported.

I invite you to look at the PowerCADD 10 screenshot posted earlier and realize for yourself that PowerCADD 10 is very much like PowerCADD 9.

I would also encourage PowerCADD users to submit a request to [email protected] and request to be put on the list for when the public beta is available to try PC 10 out and judge for yourself.

As for me, I'm going to get back to work on PowerCADD 10.

Todd Stanley

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by david kropp » Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:51 pm

Unfortunately, Alfred has chosen to profess knowledge that he simply does not have. While it has taken far longer to modernize the software than we expected, it is significantly more complete than what Alfred has stated. PowerCADD 10 is very much like PowerCADD 9 from the user's perspective. We have worked hard to preserve the persona of PowerCADD while embracing the newer operating systems and hardware interfaces.

What is very different is how PowerCADD works under the hood. We have modernized how the product and extensions are engineered to make them compatible with today's operating systems and well into the future. Unfortunately, PowerCADD 9 was already behind the curve from a technology standpoint so there was a lot more to work on than we expected.

At this point we consider PowerCADD to be about 80-85% complete. Once PowerCADD is a bit further along, we expect to open the beta to more users which will allow you to experience PowerCADD 10 and form your own opinions.

Thank you for your continued patience and support.

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by NedB » Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:05 pm

Thank you Todd - I have registered my interest in being part of the public beta test.

It would be great if you could touch base with forum users a little more frequently with updates so we know progress is inching towards release….

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by HSD » Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:55 pm

Thank you, I am thrilled to hear this.

S2 Archtiects
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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by S2 Archtiects » Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:11 pm

I haven't posted on this Forum before, but have been checking in to track the progress of the new version of PowerCadd.... like most everyone else our office has been a user since the early PowerDraw days, and was quite dismayed last week hearing that PowerCadd 10 may have only been 10-15% complete. Consequently, hearing from Todd Stanley that wasn't the case really made my Monday morning!
I too have signed up for public Beta testing, and hope that happens sooner versus later. My poor old mac is starting to die....

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by joseph » Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:15 pm

I think Alfred was misunderstood, maybe. Did he intend 10-15% to be complete?
Anyway, thanks for update.

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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by Rick@Group3Arch » Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:48 pm

Oh boy! More promises that PC10 is almost here! Maybe, if we complain enough, in 6 months or so, we'll get another promise. I can't wait! No, really, I can't wait.

Mike Rutter
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Re: PowerCadd 10

Post by Mike Rutter » Mon Jul 17, 2023 3:29 pm

moi aussi!
HSD wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:55 pm
Thank you, I am thrilled to hear this.

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