Minor PowerCADD update: 9.1.11 (Build TA30)

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Minor PowerCADD update: 9.1.11 (Build TA30)

Post by Derek » Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:04 am

Hi all,

I just noticed a new update is available for PowerCADD. You can get it through the link from the Help Menu or go here.

The update notes only mention the following:

"PowerCADD 9.1.11
⁃ Work around NSData [writeToURL:atomically:] which isn't reliable on some server volumes.


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Re: Minor PowerCADD update: 9.1.11 (Build TA30)

Post by DavidScottOrkney » Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:09 am

I see Engineered Software has now included a copy of the ODA File Converter within the Utilities folder in this update. You can convert newer DWG files to a version PowerCADD can read e.g. AutoCAD 2010, using this utility.


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Re: Minor PowerCADD update: 9.1.11 (Build TA30)

Post by patrickm » Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:25 pm

Having grown up in a Mac world, since the Mac was first introduced, I dislike seeing file extensions on my file names (considering them an inelegant Windows type thing). This latest version of PC seems to "unhide" the file extension when I save the file. I hope that is a temporary "feature" that will be eliminated in the next update.

(I've been using the "hide file extension" script, that I think Alfred developed back in 2012 or so, to hide extensions on various files, but I'll throw in the towel now since I don't want to have to use it constantly for every PC file that I open/save.)

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