WildTools Developments

PowerCADD & WildTools
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Alfred Scott
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Re: WildTools Developments

Post by Alfred Scott » Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:20 pm

In working on the documentation, I came across the entry for the Combine tool where we have a multi-click mode that Matt Arnold had suggested. My memory is not always what I would like it to be, but I remembered Matt talking about a multi-click mode for the Clip tool, and I don’t remember who I talked to about this or what the complications might have been. Anyway, his proposal was
It would be great if the Clip tool could adopt a polygon as the cutting object, similar to the way the rubber stamp tool adopts an object to place repeated instances. i.e. some key sequence gives you the picklefork, you stab the object you want to cut with, then you can click click click the objects to trim. What do you think?
In discussing this with Matt, he describes the process of laying out a patio with lots of polygons for the slate or stones and then trimming these to the perimeter of the patio.

So this would be like finger technology in that it would let you do a lot of things in one operation. So you could click on the perimeter to select the cutting object, then click, click, click or click-and-drag for finger technology to cut a number of the objects in a single operation.

So I want to throw this out to all of you for comments and suggestions.


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Re: WildTools Developments

Post by [email protected] » Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:07 pm

Alfred’s forum posts and notes to beta testers regarding WildTools 10.6 have caused some confusion about the direction of Engineered Software and PowerCADD.  This post is to clarify Engineered Software’s direction regarding PowerCADD.

In 2014 Engineered Software began the conversion of PowerCADD to the Mac’s 64-bit architecture.  The first of that conversion was released as 9.1.4 which removed a large swath of dependence upon legacy system routines.  Later 9.1.6 was released which continued that effort and added numerous stability and performance improvements.  WildTools 10.1.3 was released at that time as well.  Since the release of 9.1.6 we have continued the improvements to PowerCADD and the addition of additional features to WildTools.  There was to be a coordinated release of these improvements with PowerCADD 9.5 and WildTools 10.x.x.  However, Apple moved faster than expected phasing out the 32-bit libraries which PowerCADD 9 and WildTools 10 are dependent.  Seeing the speed with which Apple was obsoleting the 32-bit architecture, the interim PowerCADD 9.5, which still supported the 32-bit OS, was set aside so as not to waste additional development resources on the now-obsolete 32-bit MacOS.  Our full attention, beginning in 2018, has been on rewriting the core of PowerCADD and its interface to the 64-bit architecture. We expect the 64-bit version to be released as PowerCADD 10 late 2020.

The PowerCADD 10 supports many of the most user-requested features which were impossible to retrofit into the 32-bit PowerCADD 9: dark mode, tabbed windows, full memory access, fully revamped plugin architecture, modern Cocoa interface, 64-bit performance and more.  PowerCADD 10 remains the familiar PowerCADD platform you know.

At Engineered Software our entire focus is to make a clean and absolute transition to the 64-bit OS.  As such, no additional development is expected to 32-bit PowerCADD 9 outside of maintenance release.


Paul H
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Re: WildTools Developments

Post by Paul H » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:40 am

Thanks for the update Todd. It's always appreciated since so many of us are dependent on PowerCADD and WildTools to produce our work.

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Alfred Scott
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WildTools Developments

Post by Alfred Scott » Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:41 pm

I believe in the concept that all times are good times if you know what to do with them. So there’s nothing better for me than complete silence at my office, which is only three blocks from home.

Right now I’m working on compiling a version of WildTools that’s compatible with the current shipping version of PowerCADD. This means I’m having to step backwards from what I’ve been doing for the past three or four years but keeping all the new things.

While there are only a handful of new tools, there are an enormous number of new stuff.

And when it’s out, I will also be doing more development until we have the 64-bit PowerCADD, so you can be thinking of things you would like to see in WildTools. We have exciting times ahead.

I have been updating the WildTools documentation, and I urge you all to download it. As you may know, I expect everyone to read the documentation, which is dramatically improved with navigation buttons on each page for table of contents, previous page, next page and index. It’s also filled with hyperlinks to various parts of the manual, so it’s much like your own private internet for WildTools.

Of course, there is also the same for PowerCADD and the PowerCADD Tutorial. The things that are missing are a back arrow and the ability to have links between documents, but I have been updating the website documentation.

I much prefer suggestions all suggestions and comments to be posted in this forum when everyone can see them. My emails are in the documentation, and I always have my iPhone on me, and it’s nice to be able to talk direct about things, so please let me have your cell phone numbers for my contacts list.

Busy in Richmond,


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Re: WildTools Developments

Post by Mikeconcentric » Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:48 am

Thank you, Alfred!

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Re: WildTools Developments

Post by Mikeconcentric » Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:50 am

Thank you, Todd!

Paul H
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Re: WildTools Developments

Post by Paul H » Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:31 am

Gratitude to both Todd and Alfred for continuing to develop PowerCADD isn't adequate to express my deep appreciation for all that you do. I started with PowerDraw and it opened the door for my willingness to create architecture on a computer and leave the drafting table behind. I rarely post here and social media has no interest for me, so I wish to use this forum to simply say Thank You. You're both deeply appreciated.

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Alfred Scott
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WildTools Developments

Post by Alfred Scott » Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:46 am

I am making good progress with getting a new WildTools to run with the shipping version of PowerCADD. It is a grind as a simple name change in PowerCADD can take a week to deal with simply because the programming in WildTools is huge.

Because I’m stepping back in time, maybe I’m getting younger!

I am developing some devilish thoughts: Maybe we need a Border Wall Tool! You need something to keep illegal immigrants out of your lawn (except to cut the grass, of course).


Howard in Durham
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Re: WildTools Developments

Post by Howard in Durham » Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:46 pm

Rather than a Border Wall Tool, I'd like to see you work on a Corona Virus Vacuum Tool. Stay healthy!

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Alfred Scott
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WildTools Developments

Post by Alfred Scott » Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:57 pm

Just to keep everyone up to date, I’m making progress with getting WildTools to compile and run with the current shipping version of PowerCADD. I’m dealing with subtle programming details such as link errors. All of WildTools will compile, and WildThing compiles and links but with some problem things removed temporarily.

In times like this in the past, you have a feeling of wrestling with smoke, but in time it all settles down. You just keep fighting with problems until they are all gone.

I feel like I’m getting close, but sometimes these things are endless. There is so much of WildTools that nobody, including myself, has ever seen running at one time.

But when we get there, we are all going to have some big-time fun!


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