Layer / Sheets rules


  1. Layers can be selected as a range (shift click).
  2. Layers can be selected or deselected (command click).
  3. The range of selection can be discontinuous (command click).
  4. The selection of layers can be moved and visible / dimmed / invisible as a group.
  5. A selected layer can be deselected by holding the command key and clicking on the name.

A selection of locked layers can be moved.
Locked layers can be deleted.

New layers are added to the top of the list.
Adding a layer does not change the current sheet or any other sheet.

Moving a layer in the Layer Window list does not affect sheets. The sheet order remains as you originally had it set.

Selecting a sheet after a layer has been added sets the sheet to the original order and visibility that you set. The new layer is at the top of the list and turned off.

Layers are drawn in the order that they appear in the Layer Window. The topmost layer is drawn last. With filled objects on some layers, the layer order will determine the final look of the screen. If you draw a big filled rectangle on the top layer much of the drawing will not be seen.

Delete layers also deletes the layer from all of the sheets. Resetting the sheet is not necessary.

Locked, Color and Scale are properties of the layer. Sheets know nothing about, lock, color or scale.

On, Off and Dimmed are properties of the Sheet.. A layer knows nothing about on, off or dimmed.

Sheets control the order of the layers. Each sheet contains a layer order and they can all be different.