WildTools won't load

PowerCADD & WildTools
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WildTools won't load

Post by desnbuild » Tue Aug 15, 2023 12:41 pm

Wild Tools was crashing PC 9.1.4 so I tried to remove and re-install WT. I did not see "Update WildTools" in the help menu. Managed to download the WildToolsUpdate dmg. turned PC off. Dragged into PC 9 folder, "replaced" the then existing folder. Re-started PC and WildTools does not show in the pull down "WINDOW" as a selection. in my Plugins folder is only Loader (2004) and new WildTools folder. ANy thoughts?

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Re: WildTools won't load

Post by Derek » Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:32 pm

You should upgrade to PC 9.1.11 and then get the latest beta of WildTools.

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