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RIP powercadd

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:33 am
by Charles Freeborn
I'm not seeing or hearing anything to give me the confidence this company and program is going to survive.
I wish this was not true, but reality says otherwise.
It's been a good run, but probably over. I only hope that form z will at least integrate some of the features into their 2-d environment, but frankly I don't see them hanging on by much more than hopes and dreams either.
Please prove me wrong. I have another 10 years to go before I can sit on a beach with an umbrella in my cocktail.

Re: RIP powercadd

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 4:43 pm
by Alfred Scott
unnamed-1.jpg (80.87 KiB) Viewed 23573 times

What in the wide world are you talking about?

I'm running PC10 on a MacBook Pro with a 27" Studio Display.


Re: RIP powercadd

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:03 am
by lava
omg –– all the drama...

Re: RIP powercadd

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 6:02 pm
by JustMeAgain
I would think he's talking about this . . .

current.jpg (81.57 KiB) Viewed 23400 times

7 Years of promises, then declared dead and buried, then suddenly apparently rising form the grave anew . . . with a shocking revelation, not the apparent PC10 running on a Mac, but that Alfred is alive and well and appears to have his finger deeply stuck in the pie.

It seems that Engineered Software hasn't learned the lessons of the past of mish mash development. And they wonder why there is no confidence in their promises. It isn't just about the software.

In the beginning there was innovation that made PowerDraw the leader in a new industry. And it became ever better with PowerCADD, for a while. The pic below is PowerDraw running in Mac OS 9 on a 2019 Mac Pro running Mac OS Monterey, just for nostalgic reasons. And to remind where we came from and who really supported Engineered Software.

past.jpg (112.48 KiB) Viewed 23400 times

But PowerCADD has sorely fallen too far behind the big CAD companies, especially Vectorworks. And I believe at too great a cost, because people like me have moved on to new standards that include 3D modelling to generate working drawings much easier, better, more accurate, and much faster. It took me a year starting in 2013 to transition to Vectorworks, but it paid off. I looked at other companies but Vectorworks was the only one that I could transfer my style of working from PowerCADD almost seamlessly, the cosmetic aspects. I boot up PowerCADD once in awhile, because I wonder what is happening to my old friend. But I quickly see how far I have left it behind, I could never go back, just as we can never go back to PowerDraw or a drafting board with pencil and paper, Ah the memories.

I hate to throw a stone because I loved PowerCADD and the great times with PowerCADD friends, but I also don't see any hope for PowerCADD's future. It isn't just the quiet lack of revelations to hold our interest, it's too many other issues and the worst being who is developing that future. Not only are we all aging but so are they, and the younger generation are leaving us behind.

PowerCADD's comparison to Seabiscuit is long gone, out to pasture, maybe.

Re: RIP powercadd

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:01 pm
by lava
moved on to other software, yet still reading and commenting here?

ok, whatever....

Re: RIP powercadd

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:58 am
by joseph
Alfred Scott wrote:
Fri Feb 10, 2023 4:43 pm
I'm running PC10 on a MacBook Pro with a 27" Studio Display.
Thanks, Alfred. Could you tell us “big” things working or not in this beta? Some note about speed/performance too?

Re: RIP powercadd

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:13 am
by Derek
Perhaps a Mod could close comments on this thread? The naysayers have had their say and let's leave it at that. Maybe they'll move on with their comments to somewhere else as they have with their software choices?