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Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:19 pm
by johncruet48
Remember this from Alfred Scott?
"Bear in mind that PowerCADD 10 is a new program. As a work in progress, I would guess it’s about 10-15% done."

I just got the latest Beta. Progress beyond what is mentioned above is questionable, in my opinion.

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 11:21 pm
by Brooke G
Can you elaborate on your opinion please?

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:51 pm
by e30
Seems a bit harsh and unrealistic

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:48 pm
by NeilY
Hi John

Bear in mind that PowerCADD 10 is a new program. As a work in progress, I would guess it’s about 10-15% done."
I just got the latest Beta. Progress beyond what is mentioned above is questionable, in my opinion

Disappointing if that is the case, I haven't taken up the public beta because I need to keep working so I'm using a substitute but it looks like I may be using it for a lot longer than I thought I would

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:36 pm
by HSD
Having downloaded each of the builds and tried them out, I don't agree with that assessment. The builds are coming on a near weekly basis and feels quite solid, on my M1 Studio Mac it is very fluid and looks and feels very much a Powercadd. It appears the basic PowerCadd will be completed first, then various implementations of the most popular Wildtools tools. I would say there is still a ways to go but a lot of the basic work is done.

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:09 pm
by johncruet48
HSD wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:36 pm
Having downloaded each of the builds and tried them out, I don't agree with that assessment. The builds are coming on a near weekly basis and feels quite solid, on my M1 Studio Mac it is very fluid and looks and feels very much a Powercadd. It appears the basic PowerCadd will be completed first, then various implementations of the most popular Wildtools tools. I would say there is still a ways to go but a lot of the basic work is done.
The basics are working well- lines, shapes, layers, sheets, etc. The program loads and runs fast and is stable. In my opinion and estimation, they are 60 percent complete. All of us know what is needed in order to make this program worth its while, so I won’t tire you with the details.

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:25 pm
by deArch
The Forum has been down for a while... any new updates on the progress with the Beta?

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:53 pm
by Howard in Durham
In particular, as deArch mentions, those of you who are beta testers, (i.e. HSD), have you continued to receive updated beta versions every week or two, or not?

And if anyone from Autodessys or Engineered Software reads this forum, now would be a great time to provide an update of current progress and an estimated release time for PC10, as the Mojave OS sinks further and further back towards complete obsolescence.

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:06 pm
by patrickm
The new beta releases do seem to trickle in every two or three weeks. I have to be productive and have been too busy to play with it much, but the release notes indicate they are making progress.

Re: New PowerCADD screenshot!

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:36 pm
by P&JArchitects
Hi All:

I'm hiring a new employee and I need 1 more license for PowerCADD....I reached out to engsw support and haven't received any emails back so I'm wondering if anyone on here that is done waiting has a license I can buy...hopefully it is a short term solution as I'm still holding out for the new version but I need a license to bridge the gap.
